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Take Action

Write Your Letter

A letter to the editor (LTE) is a short publication submitted to a newspaper by a reader who is expressing an opinion or concern, responding to a topic, and/or issuing a call to action. Writing an LTE is a great way to spread the word about how the newest drug price reforms in the Inflation Reduction Act will help lower prices for patients.

Below is a template LTE for you to personalize with your voice and submit to a media outlet for consideration. LTEs are usually about 200 words in length, but you should check the submission guidelines of the media outlet online to verify length and submission requirements. (This info is usually posted on the outlet’s website under the opinion section or frequently asked questions.)

When your letter is ready to go, submit directly to one newspaper of your choice via email or their online portal. If you don’t hear back from your first outlet within a couple days, send a follow-up email to the letters or opinion editor.

If you have any questions about your LTE, you can reach out to P4ADNow’s communications director Emma Sands. Happy writing!